Fundraising Ideas
Not sure what to do for your fundraising campaign? Here are a few ideas:
- Ask for donations instead of gifts for your birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding or anniversary
- Recognize someone special or honor a loved one’s memory
- Participate in a marathon or bike tour
- Hold social event in your community
- Organize a baking contest at your office
- Host a film night for your friends
- Organize a “Meals Around the World” night at your school
Fundraising Tips
- Tell your personal story. Why did you decide to fundraise for AJWS?
- Kickstart your fundraising efforts by making the first contribution to your page.
- Use your Participant Center not only to personalize your page with your story and a photo or video, but also to send e-mails to your contacts using our sample messages.
- Use our sample Facebook posts and tweets to spread the word about your campaign on social media.
- Follow up: Use e-mail and social media to update friends and family on your progress toward your fundraising goal. People often need to see your message a few times before they get around to making a donation, so don’t be shy about following up!
- Make sure to send all your donors a thank you e-mail. Also consider tagging and thanking donors publicly on Facebook and Twitter—while providing the link to your page for others who have not yet contributed.
Sample Fundraising E-mail and Social Media Posts
To help you get started, we’ve written a sample e-mail you can personalize and send to your friends and family, as well as several sample posts and tweets you can share on Facebook and Twitter.
Sample Facebook Posts
I’m raising money for American Jewish World Service to help end poverty and advance human rights in the developing world. Please help me reach my goal of $XXXX. Every dollar matters! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Help me make a difference for people fighting poverty and oppression in the developing world by contributing to my campaign with American Jewish World Service. A donation of any amount will help me reach my fundraising goal of $XXXX! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
My birthday is coming up/It’s my birthday! Instead of gifts, this year I’m asking for donations to support American Jewish World Service’s work to end poverty and advance human rights in the developing world. A donation of any amount will make a difference! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
I’m participating in [SPORTING EVENT] to support American Jewish World Service’s life-saving work in the developing world. Please help me reach my $XXXX fundraising goal by making a donation to by campaign before [DEADLINE]. Thank you for joining me to stand up against injustice and repair the world! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Thank you to my amazing friends and family who have contributed to my campaign to promote human rights and end poverty in the developing world with American Jewish World Service. I’m halfway to my goal of raising $XXXX! There’s still time donateplease help me reach my goal! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Sample Tweets
I’m fighting injustice and fundraising for @AJWS. Help me raise $XXXX to promote #HumanRights around the world: [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
No gifts. All I want for my #birthday is #HumanRights & justice for all! Donate to my campaign with @AJWS today: [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
I’m running a marathon to support @AJWS. Help me reach my $XXXX goal to fight poverty & advance #HumanRights: [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Just XX days left until [FUNDRAISING EVENT]! Help me reach my goal of $XXXX to support the inspiring work of @AJWS: [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Thank you @[DONOR TO YOUR CAMPAIGN] for supporting my campaign for global justice with @AJWS. I’m halfway to my goal! [LINK TO YOUR PAGE]
Photos and Graphics
Download our beautiful photos and graphics to share on social media and help spread the word about your campaign.
If you’re having an event, download this one-pager people can read to learn more about AJWS’s work.