Pledge to protect human rights
Jewish values demand a commitment to reproductive freedom for all people — regardless of how they identify, whom they love or where they live.
As a human rights organization rooted in Jewish values and Jewish teachings that view the life and rights of the pregnant person as paramount, we remain unwavering in our commitment to supporting activists around the world fighting for reproductive rights and freedom and the right of women, trans men, intersex people and anyone with a uterus to make their own decisions about their bodies and their futures.
Sign this pledge to join reproductive rights activists in their fights to advance justice, safety and opportunity for all. You’ll show that you believe reproductive rights are human rights and abortion is healthcare.
We’ll be in touch with updates on their work and ways for you to put your values into action.
"I pledge to act on my values and help repair our broken world. I’m committed to supporting social justice activists as they fight for reproductive rights and justice.”